Wednesday, September 10, 2014

...:: Bold, Blooming, Beautiful :::... Indie Blossom

Something new is in the works.  I am an old soul, with a mind that does not stop whirring.  I am enamored by the creative arts and soothed by tea, laughter and learning.  The past few years have been a journey for me, for my husband, and for my sweet daughter.

Over the past 5+ years I have graduated college with my B.A., married my long-time friend, opened my own business, had a child, had said child diagnosed with Leukemia... reanalyzed every thought process I had ever had prior, and ended right here... at this blog.  A new beginning as our daughter heals, as my views of life and this world have been shattered and reconstituted into something so much greater than I could have believed possible prior.  Seinfeld was a show about nothing.  This is a blog about nothing.  It is just glimpses into my dad to day.  Professional photographer by trade I will share personal projects, dietary epiphanies (We are vegetarians), Decluttering adventures, crafting, travels, hopes, dreams, poems, and whatever else comes to heart.

I cannot promise profound... just real... just me... and this crazy life that is mine.

Love & Light

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